accredited ultrasound tech schools in gageorgia ultrasound tech schools

Ultrasound Tech Schools In GA – Accredited Courses

If you want to work in the healthcare field of diagnostic medical sonography, there are a great selection of ultrasound tech schools in GA to consider.

Georgia offers a wealth of possibilities for ultrasound technicians and sonographers. In terms of populations, Georgia is the ninth most populated US state. It’s also ranked the 24th largest in size. Most ultrasound technician job openings are typically found in the largest and most densely populated metropolitan areas of Atlanta, Augusta, Columbus, Savannah, Athens and Macon.

An increasing proportion of the Georgia population is elderly. This means that the need for diagnostic healthcare is continually rising, and there is a shortage of qualified ultrasound techs to cope with demand. So once you’ve qualified from one of the ultrasound tech schools in GA, you’ll usually find that there are plenty of sonography jobs to choose from in your area.

Better still, the average ultrasound technician salary in Georgia is around the $66,000 mark – depending on the type of sonographer qualifications, skills, experience and degree of specialization. It’s fair to say that Georgian ultrasound technicians earn far more than their counterparts working in other allied healthcare disciplines.

Taking all these factors into account, training in diagnostic medical sonography with ultrasound tech schools in GA could be the beginning of a challenging, enjoyable and well paid healthcare career.

Ultrasound Tech Schools In GA Offer 3 Types Of Education Courses

With three different varieties of sonographer courses provided by ultrasound tech schools in GA, you should easily be able to find an ultrasound course to fit your needs.

The fastest way to achieve a diagnostic medical sonography qualification is by taking an ultrasound technician certificate course. This will give you a foundation in diagnostic sonography theory and practical application, and can be attained in just 12 months. It’s normally a requirement for sonographer certificate programs that candidates already possess some kind of healthcare degree. Because of this, certificate level courses are mainly intended for medical assistants and physicians who wish to increase their scope of professional skills to include diagnostic medical sonography. Many ultrasound tech schools in GA can deliver education at certificate level.

The second variety of ultrasound technicians course is more suited to those who have just left high school, or don’t have a qualifying health degree. Associate’s degree programs from ultrasound tech schools in GA have a term of two years, and will give you a thorough understanding of ultrasonography. Not only will you gain a valuable education in ultrasound principles, but you’ll also spend a considerable proportion of the degree program applying these skills in a clinic on actual patients.

Bachelor’s degree programs are the third and final type of sonographer course. Taking four years, bachelor’s degrees are aimed at those who may be thinking about a career in research or ultrasound management. Due to the long duration, only a few ultrasound tech schools in GA offer bachelor’s level education – although the number of Georgia ultrasound schools and colleges is increasing availability of the bachelor’s degree course in line with demand.

CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Tech Schools In GA

When you are shortlisting possible ultrasound tech schools in GA, only look at ultrasound courses which are designated as being CAAHEP accredited.

CAAHEP is short for The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. In essence, CAAHEP is the organization responsible for checking, validating and approving all diagnostic medical sonography courses and programs from ultrasound tech schools in GA. If a course meets CAAHEP criteria, it is deemed to be accredited.

It’s critical to only choose sonographer courses from CAAHEP accredited ultrasound tech schools in GA. If you take an ultrasound course which hasn’t been CAAHEP accredited, it may not be accepted by future healthcare employers and you’ll find it much harder to get a good job.

These are the only CAAHEP accredited ultrasound tech schools in GA:

  • Athens Technical College – Athens, Georgia.
    800 US Hwy 29 North, Athens, GA 30601.
  • Georgia Health Sciences University – Augusta, Georgia.
    987 Sebastian Way, Augusta, GA 30912.
  • Georgia Northwestern Technical College – Rome, Georgia.
    1 Maurice Culberson Drive, Rome, GA 30161.
  • Grady Memorial Hospital – Atlanta, Georgia.
    80 Jesse Hill Junior Drive SE, Atlanta, GA 30303.
  • Ogeechee Technical College – Statesboro, Georgia.
    1 Joe Kennedy Boulevard, Statesboro, GA 30458.
  • Sanford Brown Institute – Atlanta, Georgia.
    1140 Hammond Drive, Atlanta, GA 30328.

Although the above six ultrasound schools and colleges have CAAHEP accreditation, there are a number of other ultrasound tech schools in GA which offer unapproved sonographer courses. If you are in any doubt at all, always get the ultrasound school or college to confirm that they are currently CAAHEP accredited for the diagnostic medical sonography course you intend taking.

Our Advice When Choosing Georgia Ultrasound Technician Schools

As you can see, there are some excellent ultrasound tech schools in GA to choose from. There will be some minor differences between the ultrasound courses provided by these schools and colleges. For example, you’ll probably find that the course fees will vary between institutions.

To make sure that you get the best overall education package, aim to get course information from at least three of the above ultrasound tech schools in GA so you can accurately compare their courses.