ultrasound tech schools in paultrasound technician schools in pennsylvania

Ultrasound Tech Schools In PA

There are some really excellent ultrasound tech schools in PA to look at if you want to train as an ultrasound technician or sonographer in Pennsylvania.

Not only is Pennsylvania a great place to train, but it also offers some terrific opportunities for ultrasound technicians too! It’s the 33rd biggest state in the USA in terms of area, and has a population of around 12.7 million – making it the 6th most populated state. A significant proportion of residents are elderly and healthcare is important. This means that the need for preventative healthcare is continually growing, and so more sonographers and ultrasound technicians are needed to cope with demand.

With a shortage of sonographers, there are plenty of diagnostic medical sonography jobs to choose from. Pay levels for ultrasound technicians are well above average. The typical sonographer salary in Pennsylvania is around $63,000 – which is well above the levels similar allied healthcare professionals earn in their jobs.

How To Choose Ultrasound Tech Schools In PA

When you are comparing ultrasound tech schools in PA to train with, there are a three really important factors you should take into account.

Location. The first factor to consider is location. With ultrasound schools spread throughout Pennsylvania, most people start off by looking at the colleges which are closest to them. This is generally a good rule to follow. After all, there is no point spending hours traveling to ultrasound classes when you don’t need to!

Course Fees. You may be surprised to learn that sonography schools and colleges often charge different rates for their ultrasound courses. Before choosing any school, it’s always a smart idea to contact a selection of schools to see which courses they offer, and find out the rates that they charge. It’s not uncommon to find some ultrasound tech schools in PA which are considerably cheaper than their competitors, and these savings can soon add up.

Range of Courses. Ultrasound tech schools in PA offer three types of diagnostic medical sonography courses. The fastest way to become qualified as an ultrasound technician in Pennsylvania is by taking a 12 month certificate course. A certificate course will teach you the basics of sonography theory, and also give you some experience of how to use ultrasound equipment with actual patients in a clinical setting. As it’s a really popular course, you’ll find that the majority of ultrasound tech schools in PA provide ultrasound education at certificate level.

If you want a more involved form of ultrasound technician training, you may be more inclined towards taking an associate’s degree. Associate’s degree programs take two years to complete, and you’ll gain a deeper understanding of ultrasonography as a result. Better still, you’ll also spend a lot more time working with patients, allowing you to develop your sonography skills to a far greater level. The associate’s degree is the preferred option for many high school students, and you can get this training from most ultrasound tech schools in PA.

The longest and most comprehensive type of sonographer training is the bachelor’s degree. This will take you four years to achieve from start to finish, and you’ll end up with a first class sonography education – both in terms of knowledge and practical skills. Because of the relatively long length of bachelor’s degree programs, not all ultrasound tech schools in PA offer this kind of training.

Ultrasound Tech Schools In PA – Accredited Colleges

Before making your choice of ultrasound tech schools in PA, you should always double check that the school or college has been accredited for diagnostic medical sonography training. If you choose a sonography course which isn’t accredited, then the chances are that some employers won’t recognize it and you’ll considerably reduce your job prospects.

In the field of ultrasound training, accreditation is carried out by an organization known as CAAHEP (Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs). Whenever you look at sonographer courses provided by any ultrasound tech schools in PA, always look out for this CAAHEP accreditation.

For your convenience, the following ultrasound tech schools in PA all offer CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician and sonographer courses:

  • Community College of Allegheny County – Monroeville, Pennsylvania.
    595 Beatty Road, Monroeville, PA 15146.
  • Crozer-Chester Medical Center – Upland, Pennsylvania.
    One Medical Center Boulevard, North Campus, Upland, PA 19013.
  • Great Lakes Institute of Technology – Erie, Pennsylvania.
    5100 Peach Street, Erie, PA 16509.
  • Harrisburg Area Community College – Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
    One HACC Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110.
  • Lackawanna College – Scranton, Pennsylvania.
    501 Vine Street, Scranton, PA 18509.
  • Lancaster General College of Nursing and Health Sciences – Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
    410 North Lime Street, Lancaster, PA 17602.
  • Misericordia University – Dallas, Pennsylvania.
    301 Lake Street, Dallas, PA 18612.
  • Mount Aloysius College – Cresson, Pennsylvania.
    7373 Admiral Peary Highway, Cresson, PA 16630.
  • Northampton Community College – Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
    3835 Green Pond Road, Bethlehem, PA 18020.
  • Sanford Brown Institute – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
    421 Seventh Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15219.
  • South Hills School of Business and Technology – State College, Pennsylvania.
    480 Waupelani Drive, State College, PA 16801.
  • Thomas Jefferson University – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
    130 South 9th Street, Philadelphia , PA – 19107.

Remember that these are the only ultrasound tech schools in PA which are currently CAAHEP authorized and accredited.

First Steps When Choosing An Ultrasound School

It’s a good idea to start off by contacting a selection of ultrasound tech schools in PA to find out which courses they are currently running. The easiest and quickest way to do this is to visit each college’s website and request an information pack. For your convenience, you’ll find short-cuts to a selection of suitable ultrasound tech schools in PA at the top of this page.