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Ultrasound Technician Schools In Indiana

If you’re considering working in the field of diagnostic medical sonography, there are some great ultrasound technician schools in Indiana which you may want to include in your search.

Indiana is a vibrant and fast growing state, in fact it’s the 15th biggest US state in terms of total population. The largest city in Indiana is Indianapolis, which has over 830,000 residents (making it the twelfth largest city in the US) With a large and expanding population, Indiana offers enormous job potential for ultrasound technicians – especially in the larger and more densely populated areas of Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, South Bend and Evansville – and there are some good ultrasound technician schools in Indiana to consider.

In terms of jobs and income, the typical ultrasound technician salary in Indiana is around $59,000 (which is slightly above the National average)

You may be surprised to learn that in Indiana, there is no state requirement for ultrasound technicians and sonographers to be licensed to work in diagnostic medical sonography. However, if you don’t possess a relevant sonography qualification, you’ll probably find it virtually impossible to get a job anywhere. Nowadays, employers expect all applicants to have an accredited qualification in ultrasound technology or sonography from one of the ultrasound technician schools in Indiana (or equivalent)

This means that to be guaranteed your pick of ultrasound tech jobs and earn the best possible ultrasound technician salary, it’s critical that you get the right sonography training, education and qualifications.

So, what sonographer courses should you consider, and which ultrasound technician schools in Indiana are worth looking at?

Courses Provided By Ultrasound Technician Schools In Indiana

There are three different qualifications in diagnostic medical sonography which you can obtain from ultrasound technician schools in Indiana. You can choose from a basic diploma or certificate in sonography, an associate of science degree or a bachelor of science degree.

If you are searching for the fastest way to earn a professional sonography qualification, the certificate in diagnostic medical sonography may be the type of training you are looking for. The certificate / diploma ultrasound course will take you around 12 months to complete. You’ll spend much of your time learning about the principles of ultrasound technology, as well as how to use these ultrasound tech skills on actual patients in clinics or at hospitals. Most ultrasound technician schools in Indiana offer sonography education at diploma or certificate level. As certificate level courses are completed in a year, some ultrasound technician schools in Indiana insist that applicants must already hold a degree in a healthcare related field. Certificate programs are a very popular choice for physicians, doctors and medical assistants who are looking to specialize in diagnostic medical sonography or add ultrasound technology to their medical skills.

The next type of ultrasound technicians qualification is the associate’s degree, which is also known as an associate of science degree. This course takes 24 months to complete, and is the most common type of training for high-school students and those who don’t already hold a relevant degree. Because the associate’s degree program is run over two years, the level of education you’ll receive is a lot deeper than that provided by a certificate course. Equally, you’ll gain a lot more experience dealing with patients in a practical environment (this ‘clinical practum’ training element will be incorporated by ultrasound technician schools in Indiana for you as part of your associate’s degree course)

The final type of diagnostic medical sonography course is the bachelor of science degree, which is also commonly called a bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s degree courses from ultrasound technician schools in Indiana take 4 years to complete, and provide the most comprehensive level of sonography education and training. Due to the relatively long time-frame, most ultrasound technicians and sonographers usually prefer to take two year associate’s degrees rather than four year bachelor’s degree programs. Very few ultrasound technician schools in Indiana offer bachelor’s level sonography education.

Which Ultrasound Technician Schools In Indiana Are Accredited?

There are quite a few ultrasound technician schools in Indiana, however you do need to search carefully. This is because many of the ultrasound technician schools in Indiana offer ultrasound technician education courses which have not been independently approved or accredited by a regulatory healthcare organization.

In the field of diagnostic medical sonography, accreditation is awarded by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (aka CAAHEP) If any ultrasound technician schools in Indiana are offering sonographer courses which are not accredited, it’s generally wise to avoid them. Remember that if a sonography course has not been accredited, then potential future employers may not accept it – meaning that all your hard work will have gone to waste!

The following two ultrasound technician schools in Indiana provide CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography courses and education:

  • Franciscan Saint Anthony Health – Crown Point, Indiana. 1201 S. Main Street, Crown Point, Indiana 46307.
  • University of Southern Indiana – Evansville, Indiana. 800 University Boulevard, Evansville, Indiana 47712.

These are the only two accredited ultrasound technician schools in Indiana to offer CAAHEP approved sonography courses. In addition, there are also a selection of online ultrasound courses offered by ultrasound technician schools in other areas which are CAAHEP approved. Distance learning using online ultrasound tech schools does have some major benefits. Study is a lot more flexible, and courses can be cheaper – so you may wish to include online training providers in your search.

Because you have a few different choices, it’s really wise to get in touch with a few ultrasound technician schools in Indiana plus some online sonography schools. You’ll then be able to compare the campus based ultrasound technician schools in Indiana to the online courses and decide on the right choice for you.

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