accredited ultrasound technician schools in massachusettsmassachusetts ultrasound technician schools in ma

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Massachusetts

Currently living within the Massachusetts area and planning on becoming a sonographer or working within ultrasonography? If you are, then you’ll probably be interested in the highly respected ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts which can offer suitable sonographer training and education.

Massachusetts offers a great amount of potential for ultrasound technicians. It’s ranked 44th in the United States in terms of area, and 14th in the US in population size. Better still, a significant proportion of the population is senior, and has an ever-increasing need for diagnostic and preventative ultrasonography procedures. The bulk of sonography jobs will be found in the more densely populated municipalities and cities of Boston, Springfield, Worcester, Lowell, Cambridge and Plymouth.

It’s the perfect place to train in sonography, as there are 4 excellent accredited ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts to choose from. Sonographers are in high demand throughout America, and ultrasound tech jobs are anticipated to grow by around 18% each year for at least the next 10 years. According to current research from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the typical average sonographer salary in Massachusetts is around $80,000.

Qualifications From Ultrasound Technician Schools In Massachusetts

To become properly trained as an ultrasound technician, there are three sonographer courses to choose from – diagnostic medical sonography certificates, associate’s degrees (associate in applied science) and bachelor’s degree programs. It’s important to note that campus ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts can only provide accredited training for certificate and associate’s level courses.

Certificates From Massachusetts Ultrasound Technician Schools

Certificates in diagnostic medical sonography from ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts take between one to two years to attain. The precise term depends on the training institution you study with, and your own prior medical education and experience. Certification classes from ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts are based around a framework of modules including anatomy, physics, human physiology, pathology, using ultrasound machines, imaging procedures, echocardiography and neuro-sonography. The skills you acquire will be put into practice with real patients at a local medical facility or hospital.

Generally, sonography certificate courses are the preferred choice for medical professionals (such as medical assistants, allied healthcare personnel and physicians) who already possess healthcare qualifications. Existing healthcare degrees and certificates can often provide exception from modular content in the diagnostic medical sonography certificate coursework. As a result, it’s not uncommon for healthcare professionals holding relevant qualifications to graduate from one of the ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts with a sonography certificate in under a year.

Even if you don’t already have a relevant healthcare qualification, there are ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts which will offer you entry to the sonographer certificate program based on high-school achievements. In this instance, the certificate qualification will most likely be spread over a term of around twenty-one months rather than a year. There are two ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts which provide certificate sonography programs.

Ultrasound Technician Schools In MA – Degree Programs

As mentioned earlier, ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts only offer accredited associate’s degree programs. So, if you want to take a four year accredited bachelor’s degree program, you’ll probably need to search outside the state.

An associate’s degree is more commonly known as an associate in applied science degree. Taking you just two years to achieve, associate’s degree programs are the most favored choice amongst high-school students. Almost all associate’s degrees provided by ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts are based on completing the same classes which are included in the sonography certificate program, plus some further modules to satisfy the associate’s degree requirements. Because an associate’s degree is spread over a 2 year period, expect to develop more practical patient experience than under a certificate program. Three ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts provide associate’s degree programs.

CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In Massachusetts

The CAAHEP has accredited four ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts to provide diagnostic medical sonography certificates and associate’s degrees:

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center – Boston, Massachusetts. Shapiro Clinical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215. Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is CAAHEP accredited for the diagnostic medical sonography certificate.

Bunker Hill Community College – Boston, Massachusetts. 250 New Rutherford Avenue, Boston, MA 02129. One of the most respected ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts, Bunker Hill Community College has CAAHEP accreditation for both the diagnostic medical sonography certificate and the associate’s sonography degree.

Middlesex Community College – Lowell, Massachusetts. Springs Road, Building 6, Bedford, MA 01730. Middlesex Community College is CAAHEP accredited for the associate’s sonography degree.

Springfield Technical Community College – Springfield, Massachusetts. One Armory Square, Springfield, MA 01102. Springfield Technical Community College is CAAHEP accredited for the associate’s sonography degree.

These are the only four ultrasound technician schools in Massachusetts which are presently CAAHEP accredited.