ultrasound technician schools in ohiolist of ultrasound technician schools in ohio are accredited

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Ohio

For those students wanting a challenging and potentially lucrative career in the healthcare arena of diagnostic medical sonography, there are many terrific ultrasound technician schools in Ohio which you’d be wise to include in your search.

Ohio is the 7th greatest US state when looking at population sizes. The most important urban center in Ohio is the state capital of Columbus, containing more than 790,000 citizens (making it the 15th major city within the USA) Having a substantial and ever increasing population, Ohio gives potentially huge job possibilities for ultrasound technicians and sonographers – in particular within the more densely populated regions of Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Cincinnati and Akron. Better still, there are numerous well respected ultrasound technician schools in Ohio to take into consideration when searching for your training.

With regard to work and earnings, the usual ultrasound technician salary package in Ohio is approximately $62,000 (which is substantially more than those working in similar allied healthcare sectors earn)

It’s quite surprising that in Ohio, there’s no state requirement for ultrasound technicians and sonographers to be registered to operate within the field of diagnostic medical sonography. Nevertheless, if you don’t have an appropriate sonography certificate or degree, it’s difficult to secure a position anywhere. Today’s medical employers demand that all candidates have a recognized qualification in ultrasound technology / sonography obtained via one of many ultrasound technician schools in Ohio (or an equivalent)

So, to enjoy a great job position with a respectable sonographer salary, it’s vital that you get suitable sonography education and experience.

Qualifications Provided By Ultrasound Technician Schools In Ohio

There are actually three distinct qualifications in sonography that you can attain by attending ultrasound technician schools in Ohio.

For anyone seeking the most rapid route to a professional sonography qualification, a certificate in diagnostic medical sonography may be a perfect choice. It’s a 12 month program, and you’ll gain experience in both theoretical and practical use of ultrasound tech. Almost all ultrasound technician schools in Ohio have sonography education and training available at certificate level.

If you’d prefer a slightly longer ultrasound training program, the next type of ultrasound technicians qualification is an associate’s degree. This degree course is run over a two year period. According to recent research, the associate’s degree is consistently the most popular style of training for high-school college students. Many ultrasound technician schools in Ohio regularly run associate’s level programs for their students.

The longest diagnostic medical sonography course is a bachelor’s degree level program. Bachelor’s degree courses from ultrasound technician schools in Ohio require four years to finish, and will essentially give you the most complete form of sonography experience. Not many ultrasound technician schools in Ohio offer you bachelor’s level sonography education and learning.

Look For Ultrasound Technician Schools In Ohio Which Are Accredited

When it comes to training, you’ll find a healthy selection of ultrasound technician schools in Ohio, nevertheless you do really need to carry out a little in-depth research. You might expect all colleges to offer the same standard of sonographer courses, but this isn’t necessarily the case. Not all of the various types of ultrasound technician schools in Ohio provide ultrasound training which has been accredited with one of the official bodies which helps to regulate ultrasound training.

The accreditation to look out for when it comes to medical sonography is provided by CAAHEP (the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs)

If you stumble upon any ultrasound technician schools in Ohio which are not CAAHEP accredited, be very cautious. If your experience and qualifications aren’t issued by an accredited college, then prospective sonography employers won’t acknowledge them – and thus your entire efforts could have gone to waste!

The following ten ultrasound technician schools in Ohio supply CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography courses at various levels:

  • Central Ohio Technical College – Newark, Ohio. 1179 University Drive, Newark, OH 43055.
  • Cincinnati State Technical Community College – Cincinnati, Ohio. 3520 Central Parkway, Cincinnati, OH 45223.
  • Collins Career Center – Chesapeake, Ohio. 11627 State Rte 243, Chesapeake, OH 45619.
  • Cuyahoga Community College – Parma, Ohio. 11000 Pleasant Valley Road, Parma, OH 44130.
  • Kettering College of Medical Arts – Kettering, Ohio. 3737 Southern Blvd, Kettering, OH 45429.
  • Lorain County Community College – Elyria, Ohio. 1005 North Abbe Road, Elyria, OH 44035.
  • Mercy Medical Center – Canton, Ohio. 1320 Mercy Drive NW, Canton, OH 44708.
  • Owens Community College – Toledo, Ohio. 30334 Oregon Road, Toledo, OH 43699.
  • Sanford-Brown College – Middleburg Heights, Ohio. 17535 Rosbough Drive, Middleburg Heights, OH 44130.
  • University of Rio Grande – Rio Grande, Ohio. 218 N. College Ave, Rio Grande, OH 45674.

These are the only ten CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Ohio which have been approved to supply sonographer training, education & experience.

As there are quite a few ultrasound technician schools in Ohio to choose from, it’s well worthwhile contacting a few colleges and schools to compare courses.