ultrasound technician schools in oregonoregon ultrasound technician schools

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Oregon Reviewed

If you’d like to embark on a career in ultrasound technology, you may be interested in studying with one of the ultrasound technician schools in Oregon.

Oregon is the 27th largest state in America in terms of population size, the most densely populated area being Portland. In terms of jobs, Oregon has excellent employment opportunities for ultrasound technicians – especially in the larger cities of Salem and Portland. The typical ultrasound technician salary for Oregon sonographers is around $77,000, which is well above average sonographer salary levels in the US.

Unlike some areas, there is no compulsory requirement for ultrasound technicians to be state licensed to work in Oregon. This means it is technically possible to get a job as an ultrasound technician in Oregon without being formally qualified. Having said that, the majority of employers expect applicants to hold a professional sonography qualification from one of the accredited ultrasound technician schools in Oregon in order to get a job. So, to have your choice of jobs and earn the highest ultrasound technician salary, you really need to get professionally qualified in diagnostic medical sonography.

Which Ultrasound Technician Courses Are Available?

Most ultrasound technician schools in Oregon offer a choice of three qualifications in sonography.

The most elementary ultrasound technician training is a certificate or diploma course, which takes students around 12 months to finish. A certificate in diagnostic medical sonography provides a basic understanding of ultrasound technology, and it’s practical usage in a clinical environment. Several ultrasound technician schools in Oregon offer sonography education at certificate or diploma level. Because the certificate program is relatively short, applicants must normally have passed a relevant allied health care degree to gain entry to a certificate course. In the majority of cases, the certificate / diploma route is mainly used by nurses, medical assistants and physicians to add practical sonography techniques to their range of professional skills.

The middle qualification in sonography is the associate’s degree, which is a two year long course. An associate’s degree course is a popular choice amongst those who don’t have a qualifying degree, as well as high school students. Some ultrasound technician schools in Oregon provide associate’s degree level sonography training. As the course takes two years, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the physics and theory behind ultrasound technology. You’ll also apply the skills you’ve learned working with patients in a clinical setting (clinical experience is usually arranged by ultrasound technician schools in Oregon for you)

The most advanced sonography qualification is a bachelor’s degree. This is a comprehensive education program which takes students four years to finish. Bachelor’s degrees are also the most expensive in terms of course costs. Few ultrasound technician schools in Oregon offer bachelor’s degree level education.

Which Ultrasound Technician Schools In Oregon Should You Consider?

Although there are various ultrasound technician schools in Oregon, you need to be careful about the school you choose. Not all ultrasound technician schools in Oregon offer courses which have been independently accredited by a healthcare industry body. Always make sure that any course you take has been formally accredited, otherwise it may not be accepted by future employers.

Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In Oregon

Looking at campus based ultrasound technician schools in Oregon, there is only one sonography school which offers accredited training.

  • Oregon Institute of Technology. 3201 Campus Drive, Klamath Falls, Oregon 97601

The Oregon Institute of Technology only offers a bachelor’s degree in Diagnostic Medical Sonography which is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (or NWCCU). The Institute does not offer accredited training in sonography at certificate or associate’s degree level.

If you are searching for ultrasound technician schools in Oregon which offer certificate or associate’s level courses, there are currently no campus based colleges which are accredited. However, you can take these qualifications via distance learning using accredited online ultrasound tech schools .

While not campus based ultrasound technician schools in Oregon, these sonography schools provide online sonography training for accredited certificate and associate’s degree programs:

  • Washburn University – Topeka, Kansas. 1700 SW College, Benton Hall Room 106, Topeka, KS 66621.
  • Jackson Community College – Jackson, Michigan. 2111 Emmons Road, Jackson, MI 49201.
  • Mountain State University – Beckley, West Virginia. 410 Neville Street, Beckley, WV 25801.

All three sonography schools offer courses that are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (or CAAHEP)

Whether you decide to take campus based training at one of the ultrasound technician schools in Oregon or choose online education, the qualifications you receive will be the same.

Tags: find sonography schools in oregon, find ultrasound technician schools in oregon, find echocardiography school two year oregon