accredited ultrasound technician schools in tennesseeultrasound technician schools in TN

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Tennessee

If perhaps you’re interested in studying to be a sonographer, there are several really good ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee that you might want to take a look at as part of your research.

Tennessee is regarded as an exciting and increasingly thriving state. In fact, it’s the 17th most significant US state in terms of general population. The number one municipality in Tennessee is Memphis, having close to 647,000 citizens (which makes it the nineteenth largest city within the US) Having a sizable and expanding population, Tennessee has enormous career possibilities for sonographers – particularly in the bigger and more densely populated areas of Chattanooga, Memphis, Knoxville, Clarksville, Nashville and Murfreesboro. Additionally, you will find some very good ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee to consider.

When comparing jobs and income, the average ultrasound technician salary in Tennessee is about $66,000 (and that’s a little more than the National average)

You might be surprised to discover that in Tennessee, there’s no formal requirement for ultrasound technicians to be licensed to get a job in the healthcare sector of diagnostic medical sonography. Nonetheless, with no ultrasound tech certification, you’ll quickly realize it’s almost impossible to obtain a position just about anywhere. In the US, employers require professional sonographers to hold an accredited diagnostic medical sonography certificate or degree from one of the many ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee (or equivalent)

To ensure your pick of sonography jobs and receive the best ultrasound technician pay, it’s extremely important that you receive accredited sonography training.

Now, let’s explain what ultrasound technician training courses you can choose from, and then look at the ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee that are worth considering.

Classes Provided By Ultrasound Technician Schools In Tennessee

Usually there are 3 distinct qualifications for diagnostic medical sonography that may be obtained from ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee. You will be able to choose a certificate in sonography, an associate’s degree or perhaps a bachelor of science degree.

Certificate Courses From Ultrasound Technician Schools In TN

If you’re after the most rapid route to a sonographer qualification, the certificate in diagnostic medical sonography might possibly be the sort of education you’re looking for. A certificate course from ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee usually takes roughly around twelve to eighteen months to attain. Expect to devote much of your time studying the elements of ultrasound technology, and making use of these sonographer skills on specific patients in healthcare centers or at hospitals. There are four CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee that deliver sonography certificate training.

Certificate college courses are normally designed for healthcare professionals who already have prior accreditation within a related clinical or allied health sector. Because of this, certificate courses can be a very popular choice for doctors and healthcare assistants looking to become expert at sonography, or incorporate ultrasonography into their own set of therapeutic skills.

However, if you don’t have appropriate healthcare qualifications, several ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee might still let you to join a diagnostic medical sonography certificate course simply by taking your individual educational background into consideration.

Degrees From Tennessee Ultrasound Schools

Another type of ultrasound training is an associate’s degree, which is also commonly called an associate of science degree. This degree course will take 24 months. It’s the most popular type of education for high-school students, and those who don’t presently hold a suitable degree. Given that the associate’s degree program will take 2 years, the level of training you’ll receive is noticeably greater compared to a certificate program. Equally, you’ll benefit from far more ‘hands on’ experience treating individuals in a practical clinical setting. There are presently no CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee providing associate’s degree training programs.

The last type of diagnostic medical sonography program is known as a bachelor of science degree (usually called a bachelors degree). Bachelor’s degree courses offered by ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee will take 4 years to complete, and almost certainly provide the most comprehensive level of sonography learning and practical experience. One of the ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee currently provides CAAHEP accredited bachelors degree ultrasound training.

Which Ultrasound Technician Schools In Tennessee Are Actually CAAHEP Accredited?

You’ll notice a lot of ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee. However you should tread extremely carefully. This is because a few ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee have sonographer courses that have not been independently accredited with a regulatory healthcare institution.

In the area of diagnostic medical sonography, accreditation is solely granted via the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (also known as CAAHEP) If any ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee are advertising non-accredited CAAHEP sonography programs, it’s often smart to avoid them. Be aware that if any ultrasound technician course is non-accredited, it’s possible that prospective employers won’t recognize it – and thus your efforts might have gone to waste!

These 5 ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee have been authorized to deliver CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography tuition:

Baptist Memorial College of Health Science – Memphis, Tennessee.
1003 Monroe Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104.
Based in Memphis, Baptist Memorial College of Health Science offers students a bachelor’s degree.

Chattanooga State Community College – Chattanooga, Tennessee.
4501 Amnicola Highway, Chattanooga, TN 37406.
One of the more popular ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee, Chattanooga State Community College has an accredited diagnostic medical sonography certificate course.

Methodist Le Bonheur Healthcare – Memphis, Tennessee.
1265 Union Avenue, Memphis, TN 38104.
Situated in Memphis, Methodist Le Bonheur offers an accredited ultrasound technician certificate.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center – Nashville, Tennessee.
1161 21st Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37232.
Vanderbilt University Medical Center is one of the most respected ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee. Vanderbilt University has a sonographer certificate program.

Volunteer State Community College – Gallatin, Tennessee.
1480 Nashville Pike, Gallatin, TN 37066.
Volunteer State Community College delivers a sonography certificate course.

Keep in mind that these are currently the only five accredited ultrasound technician schools in Tennessee to provide CAAHEP approved ultrasound technician training.