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Sonography Schools In Texas

Thinking about training as an ultrasound technician? If so, you are probably looking for information to help you find the best sonography schools in Texas to start your training to become a sonographer.

In the state of Texas, it isn’t absolutely necessary to have a certificate in sonography to work as an ultrasound technician. But the chances are that you may encounter difficulties trying to get a job in diagnostic medical sonography if you don’t have a recognized qualification from one of the sonography schools in Texas.

This is because most employers are cautious about who they trust to carry out medical sonography procedures on their patients, and need some kind of proof that a sonographer or ultrasound technician is competent. An accredited qualification issued by one of the sonography schools in Texas will satisfy future employers that you have completed formal training and know exactly what you are doing.

How To Find The Most Suitable Sonography Schools In Texas

Before you start your search for suitable sonography schools in Texas, you’ll probably want to get an idea of the types of courses that these campus based ultrasound technician schools can provide. Here are the three qualifications that most sonography schools in Texas can provide:

In you want to train in sonography, you have a choice of three diagnostic medical sonography courses – a one year certificate program, a two year associate of applied science degree and a four year bachelor’s degree. The type of course you choose will ultimately depend on any previous experience you already have, and the amount of time you want to invest in your ultrasound training. Not all three courses are offered by all sonography schools in Texas, so it’s always a good idea to check which sonography courses each college currently offers.

The fastest way to achieve a qualification in sonography is by completing a 12 month certification program. This route is open to you if you already have some kind of degree in allied health care. Most medical physicians and nurses frequently choose to take a one year certificate course in sonography, as it provides them with the necessary skills to become ultrasound specialists. All sonography schools in Texas provide 12 month certificate programs in sonography.

If you are starting out and haven’t got a relevant degree, you’ll want to look at degree programs. A 2 year associate’s degree (associate of applied science) is a popular choice. With an associate’s degree, you’ll learn a lot more about the principles of diagnostic medical sonography, and gain a lot of ‘hands on’ experience practising the techniques on real patients. The majority of sonography schools in Texas offer training at associate’s degree level.

The third type of ultrasound technician qualification which may be offered by sonography schools in Texas is the bachelor’s degree. A bachelor’s degree course in sonography provides the highest level of sonographer training available, and takes four years to finish. Although the course is quite long, the qualification is very highly regarded by employers. This means you’ll usually have a far greater choice of ultrasound technician jobs and secure a better sonographers salary because of this, so a bachelor’s degree could be a great investment in the longer term. There are some sonography schools in Texas who offer bachelor’s qualifications.

Always Ask All Sonography Schools In Texas These Questions

When you are short-listing sonography schools in Texas, you should always get answers to the following questions before you enrol on a sonography course:

Has The Sonography Course Been Accredited by CAAHEP? Although many different sonography schools in Texas offer training, not all courses have been independently assessed and accredited. Never be tempted to take courses from any sonography schools in Texas which have not been accredited by a recognised body. If a course hasn’t been accredited, then the chances are that it won’t be accepted by future employers – effectively making your qualification worthless! In the field of sonography, ultrasound technician training courses are accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs. You may see this organization referred to as CAAHEP on course literature, so be sure to look out for this designation on documents from sonography schools in Texas.

Which Sonography Training Courses Are Available? Remember that some sonography schools in Texas don’t offer sonography training at all levels – some colleges only offer ultrasound technician training at certificate level. If you are considering degree programs, be sure to ask whether these are available from any sonography schools in Texas you have short-listed.

What Are The Current Course Fees? Not all sonography schools in Texas charge the same fees for their ultrasound technician training courses, and it’s perfectly possible to shop around and save money on your course costs. You may also find that some grants are available for sonographer training, so be sure to always ask.

Does The Sonography School Offer Specialized Training? Whilst all sonography schools in Texas offer a core curriculum of sonography education, a few schools also offer training in specialized areas such as cardiac sonography. If you feel you may want to specialize in a particular area of diagnostic medical sonography, ask if any specializations are available.

Which Sonography Schools In Texas Are CAAHEP Accredited?

If you are thinking about becoming qualified as a sonographer in Texas with a CAAHEP accredited college, these are the 16 sonography schools in Texas which have been approved:

  • Alvin Community College – Alvin, Texas. 3110 Mustang Road, Alvin, TX 77511.
  • Angelina College – Lufkin, Texas. 3500 South First Street, Lufkin, TX 75902.
  • Austin Community College – Austin, Texas. 3401 Webberville Road, Austin, TX 78702.
  • Del Mar College – Corpus Christi, Texas. 101 Baldwin Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78404.
  • El Centro College – Dallas, Texas. Main and Lamar Street P-317, Dallas, TX 75202.
  • El Paso Community College – El Paso, Texas. PO Box 20500, El Paso, TX 79998.
  • Harris County Hospital District – Houston, Texas. 9250 Kirby Suite 1800, Houston, TX 77054.
  • Houston Community College System – Houston, Texas. 1900 Pressler Street, Houston, TX 77030.
  • Lamar Institute of Technology – Beaumont, Texas. 855 East Lavaca, Beaumont, TX 77710.
  • Lone Star College System – Cypress, Texas. 9191 Barker Cypress Road, Cypress, TX 77433.
  • Midland College – Midland, Texas. 3600 North Garfield, Midland, TX 79705.
  • Sanford-Brown College – Houston, Texas. 10500 Forum Place Drive, #200 Houston, TX 77036.
  • Sanford-Brown Institute – Dallas, Texas. 1250 West Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75247.
  • Temple College – Temple, Texas. 2600 S First Street, Temple, TX 76504.
  • Tyler Junior College – Tyler, Texas. PO Box 9020, Tyler, TX 75711.
  • The University of Texas – Brownsville, Texas. 80 Fort Brown, Brownsville, TX 78520.

These are the only CAAHEP approved sonography schools in Texas. However, you do have a little more choice if you are considering distance learning, as there are also some CAAHEP accredited online ultrasound tech schools which can provide you with training. Online ultrasound courses do offer some additional benefits – the course fees are usually cheaper, and flexible learning is available.

As there are several options open to you, we always recommend contacting a selection of sonography schools in Texas as well as some online ultrasound tech schools so you can compare the range of courses on offer.

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