ultrasound tech schools in michiganlist of michigan ultrasound tech schools

Ultrasound Tech Schools In Michigan

There are a multitude of great ultrasound tech schools in Michigan which are worth considering if you want to train as an ultrasound technician or sonographer.

Michigan is a lively and rapidly developing state. It’s the eighth most populous state in the entire United States, and the eleventh largest in terms of area. The most important urban center in Michigan is Detroit, with more than 720,000 citizens (making it the eighteenth biggest city within the US) Having a constantly increasing population, Michigan delivers tremendous work possibilities for sonographers and ultrasound technicians – especially within the municipalities of of Detroit, Grand Rapids, Warren, Sterling Heights and Lansing. And to help cope with demand, there are many fine ultrasound tech schools in Michigan to consider training with.

With regard to careers and earnings, the average income for a Michigan sonographer or ultrasound tech is around the $57,000 mark.

In Michigan, there’s no requirement to get state registered to operate within diagnostic medical sonography. Nevertheless, if you don’t have at least a basic sonography or ultrasound certificate, you’ll find it very difficult to get ultrasonography work. So, if you want to work in diagnostic medical sonography, you’ll need to have completed a course from one of the ultrasound tech schools in Michigan to demonstrate you have the right skills.

Courses Provided By Ultrasound Tech Schools In Michigan

Ultrasound tech schools in Michigan generally offer a choice of three types of sonography qualifications – certificate, associate’s degree and bachelor’s degree programs.

The fastest way to become a qualified ultrasound technician is by taking a certificate level course. A certificate in diagnostic medical sonography will take you just 12 months from start to finish. During the course, you’ll learn a mix of ultrasound theory together with practical skills using sonography procedures on actual patients. Most ultrasound tech schools in Michigan provide sonographer courses at certificate level.

If you are happy to plan your studies over a little longer, associate’s degree programs could be worth considering. An associate’s degree will take you two years to attain, and is a common route for high school students wanting sonography qualifications. Many ultrasound tech schools in Michigan offer associate’s degree programs.

Prepared to study for four years? If so, consider a bachelor of science degree. Bachelor’s degree programs will provide you with the most advanced ultrasound technician qualification. There are a few ultrasound tech schools in Michigan that offer bachelor’s degree programs.

Accredited Ultrasound Tech Schools In Michigan

Although there are a good choice of ultrasound tech schools in Michigan, you need to carefully research your options as some schools run courses that are not formally accredited by a regulatory healthcare body.

When it comes to diagnostic medical sonography training, the body responsible for issuing formal accreditation is the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (also commonly known as CAAHEP) If you find any ultrasound tech schools in Michigan offering ultrasound courses which are not specifically marked as being accredited, think very carefully before signing up. After all, if a sonographer course isn’t accredited, there’s a chance that future employers won’t accept it when you apply for jobs.

These ten ultrasound tech schools in Michigan are all CAAHEP accredited for providing diagnostic medical sonography education, training and skills:

  • Baker College of Auburn Hills – Auburn Hills, Michigan.
    1500 University Drive, Auburn Hills, MI 48326.
  • Baker College of Owosso – Owosso, Michigan.
    1020 S Washington Street, Owosso, MI 48867.
  • Delta College – University Center, Michigan.
    1961 Delta Road, University Center, MI 48710.
  • Ferris State University – Big Rapids, Michigan.
    200 Ferris Drive, Big Rapids, MI 49307.
  • Grand Valley State University – Grand Rapids, Michigan.
    301 Michigan Street NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503.
  • Henry Ford Hospital – Detroit, Michigan.
    2799 West Grand Boulevard, Detroit, MI 48202.
  • Jackson Community College – Jackson, Michigan.
    2111 Emmons Road, Jackson, MI 49201.
  • Lansing Community College – Lansing, Michigan.
    3100 B Health & Human Service Careers, Lansing, MI 48901.
  • Oakland Community College – Southfield, Michigan.
    22322 Rutland Drive, Southfield, MI 48075.
  • Providence Hospital and Medical Center – Southfield, Michigan.
    16001 West Nine Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075.

The above ten colleges are the only CAAHEP accredited ultrasound tech schools in Michigan authorized to give ultrasound technician courses.

So, you have quite a lot of different ultrasound tech schools in Michigan to incorporate in your search. Given the number of colleges, you may find it beneficial to contact a selection of these accredited ultrasound tech schools in Michigan and get details of their training. You’ll then be in an excellent position to compare the ultrasound courses they can offer you.