ultrasound technician programs in new yorkaccredited new york ultrasound schools

Ultrasound Technician Programs In New York

If you want to gain a professional ultrasound technician qualification, there are some really good ultrasound technician programs in New York to include within your search.

The Three Types Of Ultrasound Technician Programs In New York

You have three different types of ultrasound technician training courses to choose from. The entry level qualification is a certificate in diagnostic medical sonography, which is usually taken over a period of one year. If you’d rather have more flexible education, you’ll find that some of the ultrasound schools listed below can also offer you certificate level ultrasound technician programs in New York that are spread over a 24 month term. Most New York ultrasound schools and colleges tend to run sonographer training courses at the certificate level..

The next level of ultrasound technician programs in New York is an associate’s degree. It’s fair to say that associate’s degree programs have a more detailed syllabus, so your training will be more in depth than at certificate level. The normal length of an associate’s degree is two years. During this time, you’ll receive theory based training on a variety of subjects plus you’ll also put these skills into practice working under supervision in a diagnostic environment (usually at a hospital, healthcare clinic or doctor’s surgery) When comparing the three types of ultrasound technician programs in New York, Associate’s degrees are usually the favored choice for high school students and you’ll find a few colleges and schools that offer them.

The third ultrasound technician course is a bachelor’s degree. Bachelor’s degree programs take four years to finish, and are acknowledged as providing the most comprehensive form of sonography training available. Because of this, holders of bachelor’s degrees have a head start when applying for jobs and will generally benefit from having a higher ultrasound salary. Not many ultrasound schools offer bachelor’s level ultrasound technician programs in New York, so your choice of education establishments may be more limited.

How To Find Accredited Ultrasound Technician Programs In New York

There are currently eight ultrasound technician programs in New York which have been formally accredited and approved by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (also known as CAAHEP)

These are the 8 accredited ultrasound technician schools in NY:

Hudson Valley Community College
Based in Troy, Hudson Valley Community College is the second biggest higher learning institution in the Capital Area of New York State. Offering over 70 different degree and certificate programs, Hudson Valley Community College has been ranked 52nd nationally in terms of the number of associate degrees awarded each year. Hudson Valley Community College is consistently one of the top providers of certificate level ultrasound technician programs in New York.

Long Island University
Long Island University is situated in Brooklyn, and has been established for more than ninety years. Long Island University provides training for over 600 certificate and graduate degree programs, making it one of the most comprehensive private universities in the US. When looking at ultrasound technician programs in New York, Long Island University’s Cardiac Sonography Certificate Program is a one-year, full-time program. The certificate course combines classroom based theory with ultrasound lab practice, and clinical experience at some of New York City’s best cardiovascular laboratories.

New York Methodist Hospital
Again situated in Brooklyn, New York Methodist Hospital was founded in 1881, and has grown into a modern 618-bed acute healthcare facility. New York Methodist Hospital is affiliated to the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, and is also an active member of the New York Presbyterian Healthcare System. New York Methodist Hospital School of Diagnostic Medical Sonography offers certificate level ultrasound technician programs in New York. In addition, after attaining a certificate, students have the option of enrolling with one of NYMH’s affiliated colleges to continue studying towards a bachelor’s degree.

Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester Institute of Technology is a national leader in professional education, and is situated in Rochester. Rochester Institute has eight colleges, which offer over 90 different types of bachelor’s degree programs and certificates. A favored provider of ultrasound technician programs in New York, Rochester Institute of Technology offers diagnostic medical sonography training at both certificate and bachelor’s degree levels.

Sanford Brown Institute (New York)
Sanford-Brown Institute in New York is a member of a network of private education schools which specialize in providing professional training courses in healthcare and related sectors. Sanford-Brown Institute can provide accredited certificate ultrasound technician programs in New York.

Sanford Brown Institute (Garden City)
The Sanford-Brown Institute in Garden City is a sister school to the New York Institute. It offers a variety of healthcare qualifications, including ultrasound technician programs in New York at certificate level.

State University of New York Downstate Medical Center
Based at Brooklyn, the State University of New York Health Science Center is commonly known as the SUNY Downstate Medical Center. As a consistent provider of ultrasound technician programs in New York, SUNY’s Diagnostic Medical Imaging Department offered the very first ultrasound bachelor’s degree program in the US.

Western Suffolk BOCES – Northport, New York.
The Board of Cooperative Educational Services provides ultrasound technician courses in the Northport area. As a progressive provider of ultrasound technician programs in New York, BOCES offers a 24 month certificate program which comes with supervised practical experience in doctors’ surgeries and hospitals from Southampton to Manhattan.

The above eight education establishments are the only ones currently approved to provide CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician programs in New York.

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