ultrasound technician schools in nynew york ultrasound technician schools

Ultrasound Technician Schools In NY

If you’re thinking about work in sonography and reside within the New York area, there are a variety of accredited ultrasound technician schools in NY which are worth considering if you’d like to gain your education in a campus setting.

It’s not surprising that there are plenty of jobs for ultrasound technicians in New York. There are three key reasons why this is the case:

  1. New York is the third most populous state in the entire United States, and has a vast population comprising over 19.4 million citizens.
  2. A higher than average percentage of the residents in New York are elderly, and therefore need diagnostic and preventative healthcare to keep in shape.
  3. There are some world class and highly respected ultrasound technician schools in NY which produce highly skilled sonographers

This means that if you want to qualify in diagnostic medical sonography, using one of the best ultrasound technician schools in NY could well be the very first step on your path to excellent sonography job opportunities plus a high ultrasound technician salary package.

Courses Choices From Ultrasound Technician Schools In NY

Before even looking for suitable ultrasound technician schools in NY, you’ll probably want to get an overview of all accredited ultrasound technician programs in New York which are available. Here are the 3 qualifications that most ultrasound technician schools in NY offer:

The quickest method to achieve an ultrasound technician qualification is by finishing a one year certification. This particular path is designed for those people who already hold some type of degree in allied healthcare. As such, the main groups of people who will benefit from certificate course programs are healthcare doctors, physicians and medical assistants. Just about all ultrasound technician schools in NY offer one year certificate sonography courses.

If you currently are a high school student or don’t have a related healthcare degree, a two year associate’s degree in sonography is an ideal route into the ultrasonography profession. The majority of good ultrasound technician schools in NY offer associate’s degree programs. This form of diagnostic medical sonography education will give you a combination of ultrasound theory combined with a lot of practical experience with real patients using state of the art ultrasound equipment.

The last variety of ultrasound technician training are bachelor’s degree programs, which are run over a term of 4 years. Although they take longer, bachelor’s degree programs are the top level of sonographer education. You’ll usually find that a bachelor’s degree is highly respected by employers, and it will give you a definite edge when looking for jobs. Not only will you have more choice of ultrasound technicians positions, but you’ll invariably be able to get a much greater sonographer salary as a result. There are a few ultrasound technician schools in NY which can offer you bachelor’s degree programs.

CAAHEP Certified & Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In NY

In the United States, there are various organizations which assess, review and accredit training courses. The organization in charge of accrediting ultrasound technicians training is the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (or CAAHEP)

Note that not all diagnostic medical sonography colleges and ultrasound technician schools in NY actually offer fully accredited courses. For your own protection, you should only ever consider ultrasound technician schools in NY that have been completely accredited for their sonography programs. Remember that if a course hasn’t been signed off as accredited, it may not ultimately be accepted by employers in the future when you are searching for ultrasound jobs.

The good news is that there are in fact nine ultrasound technician schools in NY that have been assessed and accredited by CAAHEP. These 9 diagnostic medical sonography colleges are:

  • Hudson Valley Community College – Troy, New York.
    80 Vandenburgh Avenue, Troy, NY 12180.
  • Long Island University – Brooklyn, New York.
    1 University Plaza, Brooklyn, NY 11201.
  • New York Methodist Hospital – Brooklyn, New York.
    1401 Kings Highway, Brooklyn, NY 11229.
  • New York University – New York, New York.
    726 Broadway Room 652, New York , NY 10003.
  • Rochester Institute of Technology – Rochester, New York.
    85 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623.
  • Sanford Brown Institute – New York, New York.
    120 East 16th Street, New York, NY 10003.
  • Sanford Brown Institute-Garden City – Garden City, New York.
    711 Stewart Avenue, Garden City, NY 11530.
  • SUNY Downstate Medical Center – Brooklyn, New York.
    450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203.
  • Western Suffolk BOCES – Northport, New York.
    152 Laurel Hill Road, Northport, NY 11768.

The above nine sonography schools and colleges are the only currently CAAHEP accredited ultrasound technician schools in NY. If these schools aren’t convenient for you, you may also want to take a look at some of the CAAHEP accredited online ultrasound courses which are available. These courses work using distance learning, so you can get qualified as an ultrasound tech without needing to physically attend any ultrasound technician schools in NY.

Online learning does have some great benefits. It’s sometimes a little cheaper than using campus based ultrasound technician schools in NY, and you also have more flexibility over when you fit your studying in.

Taking everything into account, our advice is to contact a few ultrasound technician schools in NY and also some online ultrasound course providers. You’ll then be able to make an informed decision on which of the ultrasound technician schools in NY or online ultrasound courses are best for you.