accredited ultrasound technician schools in marylandmaryland ultrasound technician schools which are accredited

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Maryland

If you are planning on training to be a sonographer, there are a few really good ultrasound technician schools in Maryland that you may wish to look at as part of your research.

Maryland is known as a vibrant and rapidly growing state. In fact, it is the 19th greatest American state in terms of general inhabitants. The most significant city in Maryland is Baltimore, with close to 625,000 people. Having a constantly growing population, Maryland offers massive employment possibilities for ultrasound technicians – particularly in the bigger and more densely inhabited regions of Annapolis, Baltimore, Columbia and Silver Spring. In addition, there are some exceptional ultrasound technician schools in Maryland to take into consideration.

On the subject of jobs and pay, the approximate sonography salary in Maryland is about $70,000 (slightly more than the National average)

You may perhaps be surprised to learn that within Maryland, there’s no compulsory requirement for sonographers to become certified to practice in the healthcare field of diagnostic medical sonography. However, if you don’t have a suitable sonography certification, you’ll generally find it hard to secure a job just about anywhere. Nowadays, employers expect professionals to possess an approved ultrasound technician qualification via one of the accredited ultrasound technician schools in Maryland.

To be certain of the best sonography job opportunities and also enjoy a healthy sonographer remuneration package, it’s critical to get the necessary ultrasound technician courses and skills.

Let’s take a look at what ultrasound tech courses are available, and find out which ultrasound technician schools in Maryland are worth checking out.

Certificates Available From Ultrasound Technician Schools In MD

Usually there are three distinct accreditations in diagnostic medical sonography which may be attained from ultrasound technician schools in Maryland. You could select a certificate or diploma in diagnostic medical sonography, an associate’s degree and a bachelor’s degree.

If you are after the speediest method to earn a sonographer qualification, the certificate in diagnostic medical sonography may well be the type of program you are searching for. A certificate course is going to take between 12 to 18 months to finish. You’ll devote much of your time learning the basics of ultrasonography, and how to use ultrasound technician skills on patients in treatment centers or at clinics. Most ultrasound technician schools in Maryland deliver ultrasound technician education at certificate level.

Certificate college courses are generally designed for healthcare professionals who already hold existing accreditation in a relevant medical or allied healthcare sector. As a result, diagnostic sonography certificate courses are a very popular choice for doctors and also medical assistants planning to become expert in diagnostic medical sonography or bring ultrasound technology into their personal range of expertise.

If perhaps you don’t currently have appropriate medical accreditation, quite a few ultrasound technician schools in Maryland will probably still allow you to take a diagnostic medical sonography certificate study program as a result of taking your educational background into account.

Degree Courses Available From Ultrasound Technician Schools In Maryland

Your second type of ultrasonography program is an associate’s degree, better known as an associate of science degree. This course usually requires two years, and is the most common type of education for many high-school students and those that don’t already possess a suitable degree. Since the associate’s degree program will take 24 months, the level of training you’ll be given is much deeper compared to that provided by a certification program. By the same token, you’ll get valuable extra experience working with individuals in a very practical environment. This practical education is normally put in place for you via ultrasound technician schools in Maryland as part of the associate’s degree training program.

The final category of diagnostic medical sonography program is known as a bachelor of science degree, also sometimes known as a bachelors degree. Bachelor’s degree programs from ultrasound technician schools in Maryland need 48 months to finish, and offer quite possibly the most thorough standard of sonography training and practical experience. As a result of the fairly long duration, most sonographers often prefer to do 2 year associate’s degrees instead of four year bachelor degree programs. There are presently no ultrasound technician schools in Maryland which provide CAAHEP accredited bachelor’s level sonography learning.

List of CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In Maryland

You can find a number of ultrasound technician schools in Maryland. Having said that, you need to tread really carefully, since some ultrasound technician schools in Maryland feature sonography programs not independently accredited with a regulating healthcare body.

Within the area of diagnostic medical sonography, accreditation is solely provided via the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (sometimes referred to as CAAHEP) Whenever any ultrasound technician schools in Maryland are advertising diagnostic medical sonography courses which are not CAAHEP accredited, it’s often a good idea to avoid them. Don’t forget that if an ultrasound technician program is not accredited, it’s possible that prospective employers won’t consider it – and therefore all of your hard work would have gone to waste!

The following 4 ultrasound technician schools in Maryland can provide CAAHEP accredited diagnostic medical sonography programs:

Johns Hopkins Hospital – Baltimore, Maryland.
600 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21287.
As one of the most established ultrasound technician schools in Maryland, Johns Hopkins Hospital offers certificate level diagnostic medical sonography training.

Montgomery County Community College – Takoma Park, Maryland.
7600 Takoma Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912.
In terms of ultrasound technician schools in Maryland, Montgomery County Community College is the only provider of CAAHEP accredited associate’s degrees.

Sanford Brown Institute – Landover, Maryland.
8401 Corporate Drive, Landover, MD 20785.
Based in Landover, Sanford Brown Institute provides ultrasound technician certificate education.

University of Maryland Baltimore County – Baltimore, Maryland.
1450 South Rolling Road, Baltimore, MD 21227.
The University of Maryland Baltimore County is the third and final of the ultrasound technician schools in Maryland to offer sonographer certification.

Keep in mind that these are the only four accredited ultrasound technician schools in Maryland which deliver CAAHEP approved sonography programs.

Tags: find sonography programs in maryland, find sonography schools in maryland