accredited ultrasound technician schools in virginiaaccredited virginia ultrasound technician schools

Ultrasound Technician Schools In Virginia

Living in Virginia and thinking of working as a sonographer? You might want to check out the numerous ultrasound technician schools in Virginia that can offer you training.

It’s a truly excellent time to enter the field of ultrasonography, since sonographers are generally in short supply across America. Due to the introduction of cutting edge sonography procedures, ultrasound tech jobs are now forecast to rise by 18% each year for the following 10 years. Better still, in terms of income, the average salary for a sonographer in Virginia is around $64,000.

Training Courses From Ultrasound Technician Schools In Virginia

To become suitably educated, you’ll have to complete one of 3 different types of sonography courses. These kinds of ultrasound technician programs fall into 2 broad categories: diagnostic medical sonography certificates and degrees in applied science.

Certificate Courses From Virginia Sonography Schools

Certificates in sonography from ultrasound technician schools in Virginia are normally accomplished within one to two years. The exact time-frame is determined by the educational institution you’ll be studying with, together with any past medical experience. Certificate courses are based around different modules such as: human anatomy, ultrasound physics, clinical pathology, working with ultrasound machines and echocardiography. In addition, you’ll develop your practical ultrasound skills by working with patients – often within a educational medical facility or at a healthcare practice. This field work is arranged for you by the ultrasound technician schools in Virginia as part of your certificate program.

Usually, ultrasound certificate courses tend to be favored by healthcare professionals who have existing healthcare expertise e.g. clinical assistants, physicians and other allied healthcare specialists. Education from previous medical training programs (e.g. diplomas or related degrees) is often taken into account, and used to get exemption from modules in the diagnostic medical sonography program. Qualified healthcare professionals can graduate from a certificate program with most ultrasound technician schools in Virginia in a little under 12 months.

For those without an existing healthcare related qualification, there are lots of ultrasound technician schools in Virginia which offer certificate training for those new to the healthcare profession. The only difference is that your certificate course will generally take you 21 months to finish, rather than a year.

Degree Courses From Virginia Sonography Schools

There are 2 kinds of degree programs available from ultrasound technician schools in Virginia. An associate’s degree usually requires 24 months of study, and is a very popular career path for lots of students. If you take an associate’s degree, you’ll usually take exactly the same classes that you would in the certificate course, plus some extra modules to fulfill the associate’s degree criteria. You’ll also gain additional practical experience using ultrasound imaging machines and working with patients. Associates degree programs are usually available at many ultrasound technician schools in Virginia

The second kind of degree provided by some non-accredited ultrasound technician schools in Virginia is a bachelor’s degree. In contrast with associate’s degree programs, bachelor’s degrees have a greater level of course content and are generally spread over a term of four years. Because they deliver more advanced training, bachelor’s degree programs are favored by students who want to work in research or management. There are currently no campus based ultrasound technician schools in Virginia which offer accredited bachelor’s degree programs.

When considering jobs, having a bachelor’s degree will most likely put you in front of many other applicants. Healthcare employers value the fact that bachelors degree holders have completed far more advanced ultrasonography training. As a result, holding a bachelor’s degree will give you a scope to access more senior job positions. On top of this, you’ll also almost certainly benefit from a larger sonography salary into the bargain. However, because there are no ultrasound technician schools in Virginia that can provide accredited bachelor’s degrees in the VA area, you may need to train outside the state if you want bachelor’s level education.

CAAHEP Accredited Ultrasound Technician Schools In Virginia

The Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) is the accrediting agency responsible for assessing and validating all diagnostic medical sonography certificate and degree programs within the United States, including all ultrasound technician schools in Virginia.

Whenever you are looking at sonographer and ultrasound technician training programs, always make sure that the course is fully CAAHEP accredited. Never assume that any course is CAAHEP accredited unless it is clearly stated in the course brochure.

These two colleges are the sole CAAHEP Accredited ultrasound technician schools in Virginia:

Southside Regional Medical Center – Petersburg. 737 South Sycamore Street, Petersburg, VA 23803.
Southside Regional Medical Center offers students a CAAHEP accredited certificate in diagnostic medical sonography.

Tidewater Community College – Norfolk, Virginia. 1700 College Cr, Virginia Beach, VA 23453.
Tidewater College has an accredited associate’s degree in sonography (associate of applied science degree)

You should be aware that not all ultrasound technician schools in Virginia meet the criteria for CAAHEP accreditation. If you obtain your qualification via a college that isn’t CAAHEP accredited, it may limit your job prospects in the future. So, it’s always worth double checking!